Curățare Manuală

BIO-CIRCLE GT Maxi este un utilaj de curățat piese foarte performant și robust. Acesta captivează prin manevrabilitatea simplă și capacitatea portantă mare. Este dotat cu o zonă de utilizare mare, suficient de încăpătoare pentru piese...

Spălarea bio a pieselor - Echipamentele BIO-CIRCLE GT oferă soluția optimă pentru spălarea pieselor. Ușor manevrabile, curăță rapid, sigur și ecologic piesele puternic contaminate. Datorită duratei lungi de viață a lichidului fără COV,...

UNO AV is the only intensive cleaner in the UNO range that is applied over a large area with an application system and is also VOC-free. ✔ Manual cleaning applications in the wash hall: large engines, bogies, braking systems, large...

So that you go into work with a smile. Convenient : With BIO-CIRCLE-i technology, your BIO-CIRCLE GT-i parts washer is always in top condition. This gives you a high-end cleaning quality and makes your work easier. You have time for...

So that you go into work with a smile. Convenient : With BIO-CIRCLE-i technology, your BIO-CIRCLE GT-i parts washer is always in top condition. This gives you a high-end cleaning quality and makes your work easier. You have time for...

So that you go into work with a smile. Convenient : With BIO-CIRCLE-i technology, your BIO-CIRCLE GT-i parts washer is always in top condition. This gives you a high-end cleaning quality and makes your work easier. You have time for...

So that you go into work with a smile. Convenient : With BIO-CIRCLE-i technology, your BIO-CIRCLE GT-i parts washer is always in top condition. This gives you a high-end cleaning quality and makes your work easier. You have time for...

So that you go into work with a smile. Convenient : With BIO-CIRCLE-i technology, your BIO-CIRCLE GT-i parts washer is always in top condition. This gives you a high-end cleaning quality and makes your work easier. You have time for...

POLY STRIP 100 is the remover when things get difficult and have to be done quickly. This is because time-consuming, mechanical removal such as sanding or burning out is no longer necessary, nor is the use of heavily labelled stains etc....

With BIO-CIRCLE L Evo you reduce the downtime of your cleaning equipment, its use is versatile and your work will be fast, effective and safe – no matter if manual or mechanical.

Spălarea manuală a pieselor la presiune ridicată. BIO-CIRCLE HP Vigo combin ă avantajele gama BIO-CIRCLE L (curățător cu spumare redusă și degresant) cu puterea de curățare la presiune înaltă într-o camera de spălat închisă într-un mod...

E-NOX Shine este o emulsie extrem de eficientă, pe bază de apă, pentru curăţarea şi întreţinerea oţelurilor inoxidabile. Îndepărtează de asemenea, praful, amprentele, uleiurile şi reziduurile fine de calcar şi rugină a substratului de...